Image-Line EzGenerator v3.0.77.4 Portable

You want to create a professional website without graphical skills or technological/HTML knowledge and yet still have all the added extra's such as BLOG, Calendar, e-Commerce, Guestbook, impressive image slideshows, PodCast, Counters, ... and many, many features more?

EZGenerator uses WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) and requires no technical IT skills, works without special scripts and is not limited to proprietary hosting services (in other words, the resulting website can be hosted anywhere).

Making your first website will only take you a couple of minutes.

The Project Wizard works in 4 easy steps.

Step 1
Pick your web template (out of some 3000 web templates variations) to set your visual style.

Step 2
Pick one of the pre-defined projects such as:

* Business Site
* Personal Site
* Musicians Site
* Web Shop
* Pictures Gallery
* Blank Site
* ... and many more

Step 3
Each of the project types as mentioned above, includes some specific pages by default, but you can easily add extra pages (BLOG, Calendar, MP3 player, Podcasting, E-commerce, Google Adsense, Google Maps, RSS, ...) and/or customise the default ones.

Step 4
Name your website, include a website description and add some keywords.
Now you are ready to upload your state-of-the-art website to the internet.
Adding more pages or changing to another web template is just one easy click away.

Changes in v3.0.0.043
- (added) option to use xhtml (for recent templates), in projects settings --> site settings
- (added) xhtml support in ezg scripts
- (added) possibility to define target for paypal/google checkout buttons

System Requirements   
Pentium II or higher

Windows ME/2000/XP or Vista

Internet Explorer v6.0 (or higher version)

Screen resolution: 1024 x 768 pixels (or higher)

Screen colour mode 16 bit color mode (65536 colors) or higher

Internet connection (dial-up or cable)

When using PHP-enabled pages (eg. shop, blog, calendar, Newsletter, ...) your web hosting provider needs to support minimum PHP v4.3 (but don't worry as about 97% of all web hosting providers support PHP!).

Size: 47.8 MB

1- Use Keygen That Included If You Need It
2- Enjoy!