NeoPaint v5.3.0 Portable

NeoPaint is a full featured artist and photographer's studio that's easy-to-learn, powerful and affordable! It's simple enough for beginners, yet packed with powerful features and advanced tools that power users will love. NeoPaint makes it easy for business and home users to touch up photographs and create great looking graphics for desktop publishing, presentations, and the Internet!

Supported File Formats:
BMP- Windows Bitmap
CAR - NeoBook Cartoon
CUR - Windows Cursor
GIF - CompuServe (supports both transparent and animated formats)
HDP - Microsoft HD Photo
ICO - Windows Icon
JP2/J2K - JPEG 2000
NPG - NeoPaint Layered Graphic
NPM - NeoPaint Mask
PAL - Palette File
PCX - ZSoft/PC Paintbrush
PNG - Portable Network Graphics
PSD - PhotoShop 3
ST - NeoPaint Stamp (DOS format)
STW - NeoPaint Stamp (Windows format)
TIFF - Tagged Image Format
TGA - Targa
WMF/EMF - Windows Meta File
and 35 RAW digital camera formats

What's New in Version 5?
Rewritten from the ground up, NeoPaint 5.0 represents a giant leap forward with major enhancements and new features everywhere. While version 5 will feel familiar to longtime NeoPaint users, it includes many amazing new capabilities. Some of the many new tools and features added to NeoPaint 5 include:

    New enhanced user interface and faster performance. Tool palettes can be moved, rolled up and docked.
    32-bit Alpha Channel and PNG transparency support.
    Multi-resolution icons and cursors.
    New drawing and painting tools: Interactive Crop, Pen, Alpha Channel, Color Tint Brush, Tooth Whitener, Poly Ellipse.
    Dozens of enhancements to existing drawing and painting tools.
    Superb high quality text with improved formatting, options and effects - including five anti-aliasing/smoothing modes, adjustable line spacing, shadow effects and rotation to any angle.
    Levels/Histogram adjustment.
    Curves adjustment.
    Full screen editing.
    Text, cutouts, gradients and stamps can be rotated interactively - to any angle.
    Gradient and tile fills can be applied to any object.
    All geometric tools (lines, rectangles, ellipses, polygons, etc.) support anti-aliasing and adjustable transparency.
    Arrowhead and line style options added to Line and Bezier tools.
    32-bit transparent stamps.
    Favorites option for often used colors.
    New color selection options: RGB, CMYK, HSV and HTML.
    Dozens of new special effects.
    Dynamic undo/redo reduces memory requirements and speeds up editing of large images.
    JPEG 2000.
    35 RAW image formats.
    Support for many Photoshop™ plug-ins.
    Improved screen capture (NeoGrab) with website capture feature.
    3D object lighting effects.
    Export to PDF.
    Improved scanner and camera support.
    And dozens of other enhancements and improvements.

System Requirements:
Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8-Desktop. Compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms; A hard disk with 11MB free space; 2GB Memory (4GB recommended); Mouse or other Windows-supported pointing device.

Size: 12.2 MB

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