Offline Explorer Enterprise v6.9.4208 SR4 Portable

Offline Browser: Make your own offline browsing solutions with OLE Automation 

Download web sites to your disk and browse them any time fast. Never loose a piece of web information. Freeze the changing web for your convenience, presentations, archiving and data mining! Use Offline Explorer Enterprise - a scalable solution with the support of huge downloads, fast data processing and capabilities to integrate with your company applications and systems.

MetaProducts Offline Explorer Enterprise is an offline browser*** that allows you to download an unlimited number of your favorite Web, HTTPS and FTP sites for later offline viewing, editing or browsing. RTSP, PNM and MMS streaming media downloads are also supported. Offline Explorer Enterprise can create static offline copy of SharePoint and ASP/ASPX sites.
 Using Offline Explorer Enterprise, you can download an unlimited number of your favorite Web, FTP, HTTPS, MMS, PNM and RTSP sites for later offline viewing, editing or browsing. Offline Explorer Enterprise is the most sophisticated offline browser that also has many web development features to easily edit, view, browse or search your downloaded Web pages using its built-in browser.

Offline Explorer Enterprise combines the usability of Offline Explorer with the power of Offline Explorer Pro and adds:

    The ability to download up to 100 million URLs per Project;
    An OLE Automation interface to enable control from other applications;
    The ability to update Projects with deleted files;
    Internal Proxy server to access downloaded sites transparently in your browser;
    Generation of Google SiteMap files.
    The fastest-possible multi-threaded processing of downloaded files by using all CPU cores.
    Password-protected access to the Internal server from other computers.

Offline Explorer Enterprise is an ideal product for companies that want to have their own offline browsing solutions. We put all our experience - since January 1997 - in offline browsing into it.
Huge downloads possible

The enterprise edition was optimized to use as little memory as possible during downloads. We redesigned the parsing queue and map files format. Map files are no longer loaded in memory, but kept on the disk. Offline Explorer Enterprise reads only the necessary map segments to display in the Project Map or to add new entries.

Map files now have an .mpx extension and are not compatible with other versions of Offline Explorer. Offline Explorer Enterprise converts old map files to the new format when necessary, but the reverse operation is not included. So, if you install Offline Explorer or Offline Explorer Pro over the Enterprise edition, some map information might be lost. Projects and other files formats are the same, so all settings, Projects and templates will be preserved.
Make your own offline browsing solution

OLE Automation opens Offline Explorer Enterprise to solution developers. It is now possible to write a program using Visual C++, Visual Basic, Delphi or another COM-compatible development environment to start new downloads, manage Projects and process downloaded Web sites via Offline Explorer.

Offline Explorer Enterprise provides full access to its folders, Projects and downloads. A complete help file on OLE Automation details is provided in the Content section.
Update Projects with deleted files

Now you can delete downloaded Project files and Offline Explorer Enterprise will still be able to download only new or modified files from the Web site.

The information about the files you remove is stored in a compact database.

For example, if you downloaded a collection of large PDF files that were burned on a CD, you can delete the files from your hard disk using the Delete | Only Project Files command. When you start downloading the Project the next time, Offline Explorer Enterprise will determine if any of the deleted files have changed and download only new and updated files.

This feature saves space by preventing storage of duplicate files.
Internal Proxy server

You can setup your browser to use Offline Explorer Enterprise as a HTTP proxy (port 800 by default). When you browse to the sites that were downloaded, the proxy will show them from the download directory. Other sites will be downloaded from the Internet transparently.

Also, Offline Explorer Enterprise logs will show you all links that were requested by the browser. This may help you to find the actual links to video, scripted images, etc.
Offline browsing made easy

One of Offline Explorer Enterprise`s strengths is to allow you to selectively include or exclude individual servers, directories and files using keywords. It is known for its excellent user interface and as one of the fastest Web site downloaders available on the market today. Support of industry-standard technologies such as FTP, HTTPS, different proxy servers, Java and VB scripts, Java classes, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS,) Macromedia Flash, XML/XSL/DTD,Table Of Contents (TOC,) Acrobat (PDF,) M3U, AAM files, RealMedia (.SMIL, .RAM, .RPM,) MS NetShow Channel (.NSC,) VRML (.WRL, .WRZ,) QuickTime (.MOV,) MMS, PNM and RTSP audio/video streams and cookies plus a built-in HTTP server that allows you to share downloaded files over an Intranet, make Offline Explorer Enterprise the leader in offline browsing. 

The most significant new features:
    Office 2010-like Ribbon Navigation
    File | Backstage view with a project information and statistics
    System Monitor with charts to see usage of computer resources
    Redesigned Schedule Manager & Sequencer panels
    Working search forms at the downloaded pages
    Unicode domain names support
    Download & playback of embedded video for popular video-hosting sites 

Made By Spoon Studio

Size: 16.5 MB

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